List: My Favorite Things in Life

Okay, so I just opened the fridge and there was a gallon of vitamin D milk. Now, this might sound silly, but I fucking love vitamin D milk. Seeing that goddamn delicious, cream filled goodness on the refrigerator shelf inspired me to create a list of my favorite things…

Vitamin D milk being one of them. It’s just the most perfect of all milks. It’s rich and creamy, and leaves this beautiful, slick, fatty consistency on the inside of your mouth. Plus, it’s got a pureness to it, and is so much prettier and whiter than your bland 2% or fat free. Ughhhhh. So delicious.

Next up is cursing. I don’t know if you could tell, but I fucking love cursing. It’s seriously one of the most enjoyable things, and honestly the louder I do it the better I feel. When I’m angry at someone, belting out a “you fat ugly cunt” brings me satisfaction that nothing else quite compares to. The most fun time to cuss is when you’re telling a story, and it’s completely irrelevant and unnecessary, but you just throw in a few fucks and shits here and there. Wonderful.

Another fantastic thing in this world is TITTIES. I don’t really know what I think about God at this point, but the fact that He made boobs must mean that He’s a pretty okay dude. Honestly, let’s just be real. Boobies are fantastic. They bounce. They’re fun. There are big ones, small ones, round ones, long ones, perky ones, saggy ones, man ones, the list goes on. There’s a fantastic variety made for everyone, which is wonderful, because it is an undeniable fact that every human being loves breasts. Including me.

In depth conversations are another one of the greatest things ever. Getting to talk to someone, and hear about their life in depth is just such a privilege to me. Everyone has a story, and instances that define who they are. I absolutely love when people feel as though I am important enough to share those parts of themselves with.

Rainy days improve my mood about 1000%. I have never ever ever had the ability to dance, regardless, dancing in the rain is one of my favorite things to do in the world. Something about water falling out of the sky and onto me just fills me with ridiculous amounts of joy. And I can’t forget how gorgeous the sky looks when it’s raining. Especially here in Texas during tornado season, when it gets that greenish, greyish coloring. Perfection. Utter perfection.

One of my other favorite things is kissing. I don’t know who the hell came up with kissing, but I really just want to kiss them for creating it. Who the fuck even thinks of that? “Oh, yeah, I’m going to press this thing on my face that I generally use to chew food against the similar hole on your face. Hopefully this will be enjoyable.” I have no idea if that was their thought process, or not… But hey, it turned out to be a pretty good idea. Personally, I fucking love it. It’s one of the few things that can make me feel really close to person. I also consider it one of the most pleasurable things you can do with another individual. Good shit. (I actually got curious about it and looked up where kissing came from. Apparently it either originated from mothers chewing up their children’s food, and then transferring it into their mouth, which created a kiss type of action… Orrrr it came from men and women taking pre-chewed tobacco from one another, which involved them touching mouths. In legends it was also said that bringing mouths together signified the joining of two souls. Now you know!)

Chipotle is another one of my favorite things. It’s just so chill, and has the tastiest food. Fucking wonderful, ’nuff said.

Sneaking out of my house in the middle of the night is one other really great thing in my life. Holy shit, the mix of adrenaline and fear that I get from hopping out of my window past curfew is unreal. It’s especially invigorating when I have someone to meet up with or someplace to go. Getting back in is part of the fun, also. Trying to make sure the window doesn’t make too much noise, and that you don’t wake your parents… So much rebellion, freedom, and just straight up awesomeness.

Burping is also something in life that brings me joy. Maybe that’s just because I’m extremely good at it, and have been since I was 5. I can burp the ABCs, words, names, sentences, and have even mastered fitting supercalifragilisticexpialidocious into one belch. It’s not a talent I am willing to share with many, but when I do share, it fills me with the utmost pride.

I think I’m going to end this post with something that brings me so much happiness, it’s considered a mental disorder. FIIIIIRE. I love fire. Fire is passionate, raging, uncontrollable, and absolutely stunning. I’m one of those people who could watch the world burn, and be pretty excited about it. To me fire signifies destruction, but it also signifies rebirth. I usually burn old items from exes to signify 1) my hatred for them, and 2) my ability to finally move on from them. Fire is beautiful, and I enjoy it far more than I should.

Sorry for this long, incredibly random list… I’ve just been in the oddest mood recently, and I just needed to recognize some of the good things within this cruel world. Hopefully you can enjoy my small rants about some of these things, and possibly relate!